About Demi Deals

Welcome to Demi Deals!

We handpick products directly from artists , manufactures, factories and creators to bring you the most exciting and competitive deals on the most interesting products.

Secret to Our Deals

Some people ask us how we can afford to provide all of these great deals.  The secret is simple.  Packaging.   Traditional companies spend hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars a year on product packaging.  They need to get boxes, bags, or containers to hold their products, and higher a designer to create art work, and a writer to create text or copy.   They need to make the packaging look attractive.  In a sense the product packaging is a product in itself.  And large packaging takes up a large amount of storage space.  All of that costs adds up and gets added to the cost of each product.

Eliminate the Overhead...

We don’t need to design fancy product packaging to remind you what you bought.

We figure, you already know what the product you’re buying is.  We package our products in the bare minimum packaging with little to no advertising.  Just enough cushioning / padding to make sure the product arrives safely to your door.   Basically, packaging without all the bells and whistles.  

That saves us a ton of money and we pass some of that savings on to you.